Sunday, October 6, 2024

Destructive Communities and Games, «Red Dolphin» a new type of threat to schools and other educational institutions. Part 1.


Attention: English is not my native language, the text is translated with the help of technical means of translation. I apologize in advance if the meaning of some phrases will be transferred incorrectly.

In September 2024, two similar attacks on schools took place in Russia, in the cities of Chelyabinsk and Balagansk, one week apart. In both cases, they were internal attacks committed by students of these schools, the same type of weapon (hammer) was used, the similarity and age of the suspects. Both crimes were premeditated, the attacks were preceded by preparation and planning.
In general, against the background of other crimes of a similar category, these two attacks do not stand out in any particular way. However, immediately after the first attack (Chelyabinsk 16.09.2024) in a number of media outlets, Internet communities in social networks and messengers, as well as in the statements of some officials (Maria Lvova-Belova, Russian Presidential Ombudsman for Children's Rights) and public organizations (Safe Internet League), there was information that perhaps this attack was committed not on the personal initiative of the teenager who carried it out, but in order for him to perform a certain task, which he received from the organizers of a closed community on the Internet under the name of «Safe Internet». It should be noted that information about such Internet communities has previously been reported in the media under the name of the game «Blue Whale». Associations in social networks with this name placed depressing content, curators - group owners gave teenagers tasks, the last of which was suicide. Thus, the participants of the communities were compared to whales that are thrown ashore, if a teenager refused to commit suicide, he was threatened with the murder of his family. The peak of activity of this «game» came in 2016-2017, with it was associated with the deaths of several teenagers. At that time, law enforcement agencies, with the support of the public, blocked most of the «Blue Whale» communities in social networks, the police and the Investigative Committee arrested several administrators of these communities and charged them with deliberately leading to suicide. By 2018, the activity of such groups on the Internet and messengers has significantly decreased, they practically did not manifest themselves in any way.

In 2024, the situation changes dramatically. New communities and channels actively appear in social networks and messengers, this time they use the name «Red Dolphin». Not only the name has changed, but also the ideology. If «Blue Whale» encouraged teenagers to injure themselves and the final mission was the suicide of the participant, then in «Red Dolphin» the task is to cause harm to others, and the final mission is also the suicide of the perpetrator, but with the preliminary commission of mass murder.

A little later, on October 01, 2024, in Chelyabinsk and Balagansk, the FSB detains another teenager (16 years old) on suspicion of preparing to commit a mass murder at school. The media indicate that the teenager was a member of some extremist community, where he was indoctrinated with such thoughts, however, the name of the community is not specified.

I repeat that the connection of the attacks on schools in September of this year with the ideology of the «Red Dolphin» is only an assumption, because the investigation materials are not available in open sources, and in the official press releases of the Investigative Committee, this information is also absent. However, given the facts: that this information was received almost simultaneously, from different sources, and that these sources are well informed, as well as the fact that there were no refutations of this information, not from the officials who expressed it, not from the media, not from law enforcement agencies. Therefore, this information is highly likely to be reliable. However, even if this destructive community has nothing to do with these attacks, we should not underestimate the probable threat it poses in the future.

The very fact of the existence of this destructive community is not in doubt, it exists (it is not difficult to check it by corresponding inquiries in messengers and social networks, and there are also many journalistic investigations on this topic), it has already covered several countries informationally, which means that its spread to the whole world is only a matter of time (my forecast is 2-3 months).  

If this «game» becomes widespread, it will form a new type of mass murderer in educational institutions. As of today we are dealing with two main types of such criminals:

1. School Killer (often called «School Shooter» regardless of the type of weapon used) - who commits mass murder for personal motives, they can be many: revenge, personal animosity, mental illness, imitation of other killers, «God Complex» and others. Such crimes are the majority, over 93%.

2. Terrorist - such crimes are still less than 7% (16 out of 249)* of the total number, yet they are among the most dangerous in terms of victims, accounting for 42.6% of the total number of victims (1,732 out of 4,064)*. They are committed by members of a terrorist organization (their supporters, ideological fanatics), in its interests, on the direct orders of its leaders, or on their own initiative.

>In this case, a third type appears, let's call it conditionally – «Controlled killer» - who commits mass murder in a school (kindergarten, college, university) performing the task of the game or on the instructions of the «curator» without a direct personal motive and not in the interests of the terrorist organization. His task is to come to the educational institution, commit mass murder, and in the end commit suicide. This teenager has nothing to lose, there are no deterrents for him.

In my opinion, such crimes tend to appear and develop. However, I also believe that they can be predicted and prevented at the stage of preparation, as well as suppressed at the time of execution. How to do this, I will write in the next part of the article.

I would be glad to hear the opinion of colleagues on this issue, write in comments or private messages.

Author - Roman Grishin

Statistical data are taken from Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts in schools and other educational institutions

#threat #newthreat #new_threat #danger #internetcommunity #internet_community #RedDolphin #Red_Dolphin #BlueWhale #Blue_Whale #school #kindergarten #college #university #murder

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Armed attack scenario drills and exercises, in schools and other educational institutions. Beneficial or harmful?

 Attention: English is not my native language, the text is translated with the help of technical means of translation. I apologize in advance if the meaning of some phrases will be transferred incorrectly.

I often read news about practical training and drills to practice the skills of staff and students of schools and other educational institutions (colleges, kindergartens and universities) on how to act when there is a signal of an armed attack. They show coordinated actions during evacuation, comment on successes and speed of execution, and the children themselves seem to be interested in it, enthusiastically participating. 

I absolutely agree that practicing practical skills in case of an attack or its threat is an important element of the system of prevention and response to such crimes. But is this process properly organized?

During such trainings the sequence of actions is practiced, which will be actually performed in case of a real threat. Each student and employee of an educational institution knows exactly who, in what order, by what route, in what direction will move or vice versa, where and how to hide. All the details and all the details of the plan of action.

Let's imagine that among the students there is one who is planning such an attack, thanks to such practical exercises he will know exactly where his potential victims will be and how they will act. The fact that the perpetrator will have this information greatly increases his chances of causing as much damage as possible with his attack, greatly increasing the number of potential victims.

Now let's complicate the situation, what if the attack is carried out not by a lone gunman, but by a group of killers who will plan the attack with this information in mind. The simplest tactical scheme, the movements towards each other, one criminal moves from the starting point to the end point, the second vice versa. Provided they know where the start point is, where the end point is, and what route the potential victims will take between these points.

If anyone thinks I'm exaggerating the level of the threat and its likelihood, here are some statistics:

- globally, between 2000 and 2023 inclusive, in schools, kindergartens, colleges, and universities, 249 crimes* (not including 2024) falling under mass murder occurred, of which:

- 115 (46.2%) were committed by students at these educational institutions;

- 26 (10.4%) were committed by a group of persons.

The victims of these tragedies were 4 064 people, of whom 1 394 died and 2 670 were injured, most of them children.

So should we give free access to information that potential killers can use for their own purposes? I think it is not worth it, because in this case, from an element of crime prevention, it turns into a vulnerability of the security system of the educational institution, which on the contrary favors the attack and increases the number of its possible victims. 

So, what should we do? Cancel all drills and training?

No, I believe that it is necessary to simply change the approach to their organization and conduct. For each school (kindergarten, college, university), a unique «Safety Protocol» should be developed, which should contain a list of mandatory actions of each school employee on the signal «Armed Attack». This protocol should be developed by law enforcement specialists, taking into account the personal characteristics of the educational institution. Every classroom, every office in the institution should be surveyed by security specialists, and each should be given an objective and comprehensive assessment. Based on the results of such a survey, a «Safety Zone» should be defined in each room, the boundaries of this zone, the layout of children and teachers in it, as well as other features should also be included in the «Safety Protocol».

In addition, the expert group should develop several most likely scenarios of an attack on the educational institution (single, group, internal and external), based on which several universal, effective algorithms of actions of the school staff should be developed, until the arrival of police units, or until direct instructions from law enforcement agencies on how to proceed.

Once the protocol is approved, it should receive the status of a closed document, with limited access, and it should be stored not in the school, but in a specialized police unit. All staff of the educational institution should know, and most importantly understand, that the content of this document is classified information, not subject to disclosure.

Drills and drills to practice the practical skills of school personnel on how to act upon receipt of an «Armed Attack» signal using the «Safety Protocol» should be conducted without the participation of students, only school personnel, as well as law enforcement and other emergency services.

Pupils should know and understand only one thing: in the event of an «Armed Attack» signal, they should obey exactly, unconditionally, all the requirements of the teacher or other member of staff. Practical interaction between school staff and pupils can be practiced by conducting exercises and drills on actions in case of other threats, for example, in case of natural or man-made emergencies. Such drills and exercises should be held regularly, involving students. 

Again, this is necessary, for the reason that a significant part of mass murders in educational institutions is committed by their students, and as practice shows, they are thoroughly prepared for crimes, so their knowledge of the «Safety Protocol» and the algorithm of actions on the signal «Armed Attack» will allow them to adjust the tactics of the crime in such a way as to cause maximum damage.

Author - Roman Grishin

Statistical data are taken from Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts in schools and other educational institutions

#drills #childhood #children #safety #security #school #college #kindergarten #university #threat #crime #terrorism 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I am starting work on a new project


Back in July 2020, I prepared and published my first article on securing schools and other educational institutions from criminal and terrorist threats. After publication, the article was edited several times, the last edits I made in January 2022.

The article was divided into two parts:

In the first part, I analyzed the current situation of child safety in educational institutions by the example of my country, as well as in the world, in parallel, I considered positive examples from foreign experience in this area. In addition, I gave my assessment of the level of risks and the degree of probable threats in the near future, and some forecasts about the prospects for the development of the situation;

In the second, I considered the possibilities of counteracting such threats, reducing the number of human casualties and the level of material damage. In addition, I proposed my own, hypothetical model of the system of ensuring the security of educational institutions.

While still working on the article, I noticed the difficulties in collecting materials for research, which have to be collected from various sources, and they often contain incomplete or unreliable (contradictory) information, there was no information on statistics at all, apparently, no one was simply not engaged in it. All this prompted me to create my own statistical research, which I did, spending almost a year on it, but it was worth it. The result of this work was the Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts in Schools and Other Educational Institutions, which includes information on crimes and terrorist acts committed in educational institutions around the world, for the period from 2000 to 2023 inclusive. The publication contains not only statistical but also analytical material. The handbook is fully accessible to all who wish to use its materials without any restrictions.   I continue to collect and systematize data for the handbook, and as they accumulate I will try to post new, corrected and supplemented versions of the handbook.

When I was working on the materials for the handbook, I realized that the nature of the threat and its scale is much greater than I had originally assumed, I seriously underestimated the degree of danger, both at the moment and in the near future. The hypothetical model of the system of ensuring the security of educational institutions that I proposed in the first article could not effectively cope with it.

Improvement of the system I proposed initially will not give anything, it requires a completely different approach, the creation of a model (so far only hypothetical) built on completely different principles and with completely different tasks. 

The technical task that I have set for myself, if briefly, is the following: to create an effective model to ensure the safety of schools and other educational institutions, as well as places with a mass stay of children, from threats (existing and prospective), criminal and terrorist nature. At the same time, educational institutions should not change their main function, should not turn into prisons, bunkers or military bases.

Is this possible? I believe that it is, so I am starting to work on it. I will be glad to receive any help in working on the project, as well as communication with like-minded people, colleagues and everyone who is interested in this topic, who wants to make children's lives safer.  

You can contact me in any convenient way.

#project #childhood #children #safety #security #school #college #kindergarten #university #threat #crime #terrorism 

Monday, September 23, 2024

The attack on the school in Balagansk, Irkutsk region, Russia, September 23, 2024


Only a week has passed since the tragedy at School No. 68 in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, where a 13-year-old student brought two hammers, an air pistol, and a knife to school and attacked his classmates. At the time, three children and a teacher were injured.  And now, just 7 days later, a new attack, again a school, again with hammers as weapons. Three injured teenagers, although the victims could have been much more, simply, hearing the screams of children, a gym teacher came to their aid, who selflessly rushed to the armed criminal and managed to disarm him and detain him until the police arrived. And if he had not been there?

Again and again the situation is repeated, which has happened many times before: the criminal, without any obstacles in his way, plans a crime, prepares a weapon, quietly sneaks the weapon into the school premises and already there takes it out and uses it to attack and, if not for the courage of the teacher, the ending of this story could have been more tragic. 

And if he had used not a cold weapon, but a firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or poisonous substances. How would it have ended then? If someone says that I am exaggerating, here is a small statistical reference that for the period from 2000 to 2023 inclusive, when attacking educational institutions (schools, colleges, kindergartens, universities) attackers used explosive, incendiary or atomizing devices 38 times and this is only known cases, if we talk about the use of firearms, then there the count has long exceeded three-digit figure, and the list of victims four-digit*.  

This applies not only to Russia, in 2024 alone (and the year is not over yet) schools and other educational institutions in China, Germany, USA, Mexico, Finland, Bosnia, Greece and the UK were attacked, in which 59 people were injured, of whom 17 were killed, 42 were injured, most of the victims were children.

Can't we see that schools and other educational institutions have long ago turned into high-risk objects and their protection should be provided in a completely different way, we need to completely change the approach to the organization of the security system of educational institutions.

How many more victims do we need to realize this?

Author - Roman Grishin

Statistical data are taken from Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts in schools and other educational institutions

#school #balagansk #Irkutsk #Russia #murder #threat #attack #children #security #guarding #hammer

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The attack on a school in Chelyabinsk on September 16, 2024.


Another tragedy occurred last Monday at School No. 68 in the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. On that day, a 13-year-old student brought two hammers, a pneumatic pistol and a knife to school, went to the restroom, changed his clothes, turned on a portable audio speaker and a video camera (broadcasting live on the Internet), then entered the classroom where he was studying and attacked his classmates. Three children and a teacher were injured, two injured girls are in serious condition.   

After the attack, the perpetrator left the classroom and attempted to commit suicide, but was not able to complete his plan and was detained alive by police officers who arrived at the scene.

I am not trying to assess the motives of the perpetrator, for two reasons:

1. I do not believe that there can be reasons that would justify committing or attempting mass murder;

2. I practice applied criminology, and my area of interest is only in the actual crime.

In every such crime, other questions are more relevant to me, the main ones being:

- Why was the perpetrator able to carry out his criminal intent?

- Why did the attention-grabbingly dressed teenager walk freely from home to school without attracting attention?

- Why did the juvenile dressed in eye-catching (directly signaling danger) clothing, which clearly does not comply with school rules, freely enter the school building, pass the security post, and move freely through it without attracting attention?

- Why did the juvenile freely, pass the security post and carry a weapon into the school?

- Why did the suspect move freely through the school building and was only apprehended by police officers who arrived?

- Why was the threat alert system not working (according to witnesses, other students and teachers learned of the incident only through the screams of victims and eyewitnesses)?

Since the beginning of 2024, in the world, this is already the 12th case of crime with the purpose of mass murder committed in an educational institution (these are only those cases that received publicity in the media, in fact, there are more such crimes, not all of them are included in statistical reports), before that, there were similar cases in China, Germany, USA, Mexico, Finland, Bosnia, Greece, Great Britain, in which 59 people suffered, 17 of them were killed, 42 were injured, most of the victims were children.

Every year dozens of such crimes are committed, hundreds of victims, but nothing changes. Each time the criminals use the same vulnerabilities in the school security system, they easily get inside the educational institutions and carry out their plans.

Can this bloody wave be stopped? I believe it can.

Are there effective ways to counter these threats? I believe there are.

Why has it not been done so far? I don't have an answer to that question.

Author - Roman Grishin

#school #Chelyabinsk #Russia #suicide #threat #attack #children #safety #security #questions #answers

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Tragedy at Apalachee High School in Winder, GA - need help gathering information.

Tragedy at Apalachee High School in Winder, GA - need help gathering information

At the beginning I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families and friends of those who died in this terrible crime, as well as wish a speedy recovery to all those who were injured and traumatized.

According to preliminary data published in the media: 4 people were killed in the attack on the school (2 teachers and 2 students), and more than 10 people were injured of varying degrees of severity. The attack was committed by 1 perpetrator, who used firearms to commit the crime. The suspect was detained alive at the scene of the crime.

There is a lot of contradictory information in the publications of news outlets and TV channels, and in the official statements of law enforcement agencies there are no details of the crime, which are extremely necessary in my work.

I will be very grateful if those who have information on this crime, share this information. On this tragedy is interested in the factual side of the incident, primarily the chronology of the event (what time the criminal came to the school, how he got into it, how long he was in the building, who called the police, how long she arrived, whether the suspect was detained on school grounds or managed to escape, etc.), eyewitness accounts, police reports, etc., simply put - not opinions, but facts. Also interested in any other corroborated data.

Thank you in advance for your help.

You can contact me in any convenient way, here are all my contacts

#tragedy #Apalachee #High #School #Winder #Georgia #shooting #murder #information #HighSchool #High_School

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Columbine High School tragedy, 25 years later, facts, thoughts, unanswered questions

The other day I finished reading Dave Cullen's book «Columbine» (in my country the book was published under the title «Columbine - an exhaustive report from the scene». The second, supplemented edition of this book was published back in 2016, but in my country it was not published until the end of 2023).

For all those who are seriously interested in the Columbine tragedy and school massacres in general, I would recommend reading this book. Such books are very rare today, its author has done a tremendous job (according to his statement, the collection, verification and systematization of materials for the book took him almost 10 years), combining in one publication a large number of facts «from the first person». Everything is here: testimonies of direct participants and other witnesses, data from police and court reports, conclusions of criminalists, psychiatrists and other experts. The book reconstructs a detailed chronology of events, along parallel time lines (perpetrators, victims, eyewitnesses, police). There are quotes from the perpetrators' diaries, their plans and plotting, transcripts of “basement videotapes” and a lot of other useful information.

Another (in my opinion) plus of the book is that Cullen, does not take the bad example of many other authors who first give their version of the event, and then begin to adjust the facts under it, while indicating only what corresponds to their interpretation, ignoring everything in it does not fit. Here, the author puts only facts, and from all participants of the tragedy, as if offering readers to see the tragedy through their eyes, from the position of the perpetrator, victim, student or teacher, parent, police officer, FBI agent, journalist, ambulance doctor, firefighter, just a random onlooker, and then, on their basis, to draw their own conclusions. In general, my impression of the book, only positive, it is a good solid work, a real criminal journalist, with a competent and interesting form of presentation of material.

For those who are interested in a personal analysis of school shooters (including the Columbine killers) - I would recommend Dr. Peter Langman's book «Why Kids Kill». There he provides an objective comparative analysis of the most notorious «school shooters» by psychological and forensic measures. Once again confirming the theory, previously repeatedly expressed by various criminologists and law enforcement agencies that there is no single psychotype of «school shooter», as well as some unique personality traits inherent only to them, and they have more differences than common. Therefore, all attempts to identify them at an early stage and predict their emergence are «Sisyphean labor» that wastes a lot of resources, but is of no practical use.  

However, let's return to the main question - Why exactly «Columbine» has become a nominal name for crimes of this kind? I have long been involved in applied criminology, in terms of ensuring the safety of schools, other educational institutions and places where children are present in large numbers. This is the main topic of my research. Often in discussions with my colleagues, the question has been raised that, if we put aside the moral and ethical component and consider this crime from a purely formal point of view, at first glance there is nothing particularly outstanding in it. Both before and after it there were tragedies, more bloody in their scale and consequences (those who are interested in the statistics of such crimes can see here), and yet why «Columbine»?

Probably, because at detailed study of the facts, it becomes clear that if the plan (and the crime was carefully planned) of the criminals was executed by them in the original scenario, it would have been a terrorist attack on a scale comparable to the tragedy in the school of Beslan in 2004 or «September 11». In Chapter 8 of «Maximum Human Concentration» - Dave Cullen's book – «Columbine. An Exhaustive Report from the Field.» (supplemented 2016 edition) describes in detail the plan of the criminals, the number of bombs, their charge, striking elements, their purpose (to hit large crowds of people, to distract attention, to hit the emergency workers and journalists who arrived on the scene, to collapse the building and ignite it). The following are indicated: prepared sectors for firing, main and reserve firing points formed taking into account the direction of movement of people during evacuation.

In total, the plan had three stages of realization of the criminals' plan, and if they had managed to realize not all of it, but at least most of it, the number of victims, with a high degree of probability, would have been four-digit. According to experts (including myself, I personally asked people who served in anti-terrorist and intelligence-sabotage units), this plan was drawn up at a good professional level. It takes into account many important factors and conditions, and there are, of course, shortcomings, but not critical. The most important conclusion of their experts was that this plan was quite suitable for real implementation. The fact that this plan was not realized in practice, happened rather by accident, first - the technique failed, most of the detonators installed on the most destructive bombs did not work, the second - the lack of the killers of the backup scenario for such a case and as a result of the lack of coordination of their actions. In fact, what happened as a result was an unplanned improvisation on the part of the perpetrators, but even with this development of events - 27 victims (13 killed, 14 wounded).

My opinion is that the events at Columbine High School have clearly demonstrated that the threat level of the School Shooters is underestimated. Two ordinary teenagers, spent a year hatching a plan for large scale mass murder, procuring weapons, ammunition, bomb parts, planning, discussing, practicing. They didn't just talk, they acted.

This begs the questions: did no one see anything, or understand? Or did they see, but didn't want to understand? Or maybe they saw understood, and even with these thoughts came to their superiors, but heard: «Do not exaggerate, it's just teenagers, what can they do at all, at most write an obscene phrase on the door of the director's office. Go and do something serious, and forget about your fantasies and do not tell anyone...».

However, as it turned out - they can, and can much more than what is expected of them. Cold-bloodedly and calculatingly make a plan to deprive hundreds, and maybe thousands, of the lives and health of their classmates, teachers, friends, neighbors or just acquaintances, and then try to carry it out. If they hadn't been let down by homemade detonators, they would have done it. Simple teenagers from the backwoods, were ready to kill hundreds and thousands of innocent people, if their plan had succeeded, the terrorists from «Al-Qaeda», against their background would look like a bunch of petty hooligans.

The events at Columbine High School showed the main thing: children, in their desire to kill their own kind, are able to show great analytical abilities in planning, and in the implementation of their plans, the level of cruelty and danger, far surpass adults. Outwardly normal teenagers are capable of killing without the slightest reason or compassion. Except that we still don't want to recognize this. That is why every year in schools, kindergartens, colleges and universities shots and explosions rumble, knives and axes take a deadly swing, incendiary devices and atomizers detonate, children and adults die.

And someone continues to say that «There is no need to exaggerate and exaggerate, these are just teenagers, what can they do...».

Author - Roman Grishin

photo from the website: Chalkbeat

#Columbine #School #facts #thoughts #questions #tragedy #murder #crime #shooter #threat

Destructive Communities and Games, «Red Dolphin» a new type of threat to schools and other educational institutions. Part 1.

  Attention: English is not my native language, the text is translated with the help of technical means of translation. I apologize in adva...