Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Destructive Communities and Games, «Red Dolphin» a new type of threat to schools and other educational institutions. Part 2. How to counteract this phenomenon?


Attention: English is not my native language, the text is translated with the help of technical means of translation. I apologize in advance if the meaning of some phrases will be transferred incorrectly.


(continued, Part 1 here)

In this case, the shift in tactics of the extremists behind the creation and activities of «Red Dolphin», «Blue Whale» and similar communities already contains a serious vulnerability for criminals and it can be used against them.

The point is that the main difference between «Red Dolphin» and «Blue Whale» is that in the new scenario of the «Game» the teenager participating in it has to perform tasks of «curators», the essence of which is committing illegal acts, but not against himself (as it was in «Blue Whale»), but against other persons or organizations. The tasks are different, such as damaging or destroying property, causing offensive actions or light injuries to other people.

At the first stage, these tasks are insignificant in their consequences, for example, insulting inscriptions on walls, breaking a window, burning letters in the mailbox, damaging the wheel of a car, pouring water or safe but unpleasant liquids or mud on random people, verbal abuse, ridicule, knocking a hat off the head and similar minor offenses.

In the second stage, the tasks become more complicated, as well as the degree of their public danger, teenagers must commit more serious offenses, such as burning cars or buildings, killing animals, causing moderate or more severe injuries to random people, using illegal but dangerous weapons (pneumatic, cold, traumatic, percussion, gas, homemade).

In the third stage, the participant passes the «Point of No Return», these are tasks related to the category of serious offenses, such as injuring other people, but doing it in a hidden form, for example: pushing under a passing car or train, from a bridge or window, damaging railroad tracks or subways, burning buildings with people, children's or medical facilities.

At all three stages, offenses should be committed with video recording of what is happening on camera, records of completed tasks, teenagers should send to their «curators» through closed communities in social networks and messengers. In fact, the teenagers themselves shoot compromising materials, which they are subsequently blackmailed with if they try to leave the “Game” and refuse from illegal actions.

The fourth stage, aka the last one, is a mass murder, followed by the suicide of the perpetrator. Given the age of the participants, the place of the last act is usually chosen to be the school they attend, the likely victims are the immediate neighborhood, their classmates and teachers.

Once again I repeat what I said in the first part: that it was participation in the extremist community “Red Dolphin” that caused the two attacks on schools that took place in September 2024 in the Russian cities of Chelyabinsk and Balagansk is only an assumption. There is no direct evidence of this version published in the official media. Law enforcement agencies do not officially confirm this fact, but they do not deny it either. In spite of this, I consider that extremist community type «Red Dolphin» or «Blue Whale», represents the direct and obvious threat to the safety of people, especially children. This means that it is necessary to be proactive by developing a tactical scheme to counter this threat, with measures to both prevent and suppress direct attacks.


This work should be divided into 3 key areas, and perform tasks in parallel, only in this case the prevention of the threat will be effective:

1 direction - identification of potential victims:

The very scenario of the «deadly quest», which the organizers of these extremist communities impose on their victims, contains a serious vulnerability, which, if used correctly, will allow to quickly identify and stop teenagers drawn into destructive activities. As I have already written above, the scenario provides for the passage of 4 stages, with the execution of tasks with increasing complexity and the level of public danger, these violations must be recorded on video and committed publicly, and this is the vulnerability. The fact is that the network of criminals, as a rule, fall into the hands of children, previously to such offenses are not prone to such misconduct, who have not committed offenses and have not previously had a record in the police.

According to psychologists, to whom I asked for comments on this situation, the fulfillment of the final task, namely, mass murder followed by suicide of the perpetrator, is impossible without the prior fulfillment of the first three stages. Because it is precisely during the fulfillment of a chain of tasks with a gradual increase in complexity and the degree of public danger that a teenager forms and consolidates an obsession with committing a mass murder with suicide. By committing serious crimes at the penultimate stage, the child passes a kind of «point of no return». In addition, recording the committed offenses on video (which is a mandatory condition for participation) and providing it as a report to their supervisors, gives them additional leverage for blackmail and other forms of psychological pressure on the participant, if he suddenly decides to refuse to perform the final task and stop the «death quest».

This feature can be used to quickly identify potential mass murderers, even at the stage of preparation for the crime. How exactly to do this? In the first turn most closely attention to teenage (main object group 12 - 16 years), behavior of which dramatically changed without any grounds.

A clear signal that the teenager may have fallen under the external control of a destructive community is that the child, up to this point, in character: uncommunicative, shy (according to psychologists, the most prone to such influence is a teenager with such personality characteristics as: passive introvert sensitive type, melancholic), obedient, suddenly, begins to commit uncharacteristic actions and minor offenses, to explain the motives of which, he can not or does not want to. In this case it is necessary to connect to the work of specialists, children's psychologists, social pedagogues, psychologists-criminals.

I am sure that for specialized specialists, it will not be difficult to establish a link between changes in the teenager's behavior and the extremist community (if there really was one). If this connection is established, then representatives of police services and other law enforcement agencies should be involved in the situation. At the same time, the work of psychologists and social pedagogues with the child and his family should not stop here; it is important to establish and eliminate the circumstances that prompted the teenager to turn to a destructive community. In addition, the study of each such case will allow a more detailed understanding of the methods used by criminals to involve children in extremist groups. The systematization and analysis of such information will make it possible to develop more effective mechanisms for identifying cases of «external management» of teenagers' behavior and more effective counteraction to such crimes.

Who should do this? This is a complex task that should involve all those who are directly or indirectly related to children at risk. These are, first of all, parents and guardians of children, teachers and school staff, coaches of sports clubs, children's doctors, police officers and security and safety officers of educational institutions, even school bus drivers. All these people need to know what external signs and deviations in the child's behavior to pay attention to and who to contact. Accordingly, a clear algorithm of interdepartmental interaction should be developed, on the basis of which a normative document defining the form and procedure of such response should be adopted. The measures taken should be of both public and non-public nature, using the full, permissible arsenal of means of behavioral correction.

2 direction - information safety:

Involvement of teenagers in destructive communities in most cases occurs according to one of two schemes:

1. active (initiative) - a child independently (using links from other resources, hashtags or special phrases for search queries) finds an extremist community in social networks or messengers, applies to join, undergoes identification (in some groups it is a rather complicated and long process, in several stages) after which he or she is assigned a «curator» who begins to give him or her tasks and exercise control until the final stage;

2. passive - the teenager places certain hashtags on his social network page, to which the «curators» (recruiters) of destructive communities react and get in touch with him. The rest is the same as in the first scheme: identification, fixation of the «curator2, and fulfillment of tasks.

To build a system of information counteraction, it is necessary to first reach an agreement between the owners of social networks and messengers on how to block such communities and accounts. The unlawfulness of the actions of such communities or individuals is obvious. In the criminal legislation of any country, involving minors in illegal activities and leading them to suicide is a crime. However, any crime or at least criminal intent must be proven. For this purpose, lawyers of police services or other law enforcement agencies should develop special «Protocols for prompt response to threats to information security»* to establish, collect and document the circumstances confirming the criminal intentions of administrators of communities or account owners who disseminate such information. I would like to clarify that this protocol means collecting evidence not to bring charges or criminal charges, but to block the source of extremist information. It is important to stop the spread of destructive information, to deprive extremists of a tool to control children's behavior. Although let us be objective, it will not be possible to completely deprive criminals of the opportunity to recruit new victims, it is quite realistic to seriously complicate this process for them.


* Ideally, if such protocols are developed in an international format (because this threat has long since become an international threat and the level of its danger continues to grow), with a unified form and procedure of application. By introducing their use through international law enforcement organizations, such as special bodies of the UN Security Council or Interpol, it could significantly increase the effectiveness of countering this threat worldwide.


The most important thing for an information safety strategy is that it must be offensive. Law enforcement agencies and departments of education, guardianship and custody of children should actively monitor information resources, both independently and within the framework of appeals from concerned citizens. Identify destructive resources, conduct checks, document the criminal intentions (if any) of their owners and, within the framework of the above-mentioned information security protocols, apply all available legal tools to block them promptly. If technically and legally possible, prosecute those who create and administer Internet resources with destructive content.


3. Continuous monitoring, forecasting and modeling of probable threats

This task should be mostly performed by expert analysts of law enforcement agencies. Both incoming information about events that have actually already taken place and probable threats should be considered. The first and second line of prevention measures must be constantly adjusted to reflect the changing situation.

Once countermeasures have been introduced, criminals change tactics quite quickly, so it is important not only to react to their current actions, but also to predict their possible moves. On the basis of such forecasts, it is important to develop and implement preventive measures to prevent and suppress their possible actions.

The optimal solution would be to create such an information and analytical group on a permanent basis in an international format.


Defense against direct attacks.

Despite all measures to anticipate and prevent likely threats, direct attempts to carry out mass killings cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, to date there is no security system with 100% efficiency. All existing methods of prediction and prevention of such threats can only reduce to an acceptable limit both the probability of such attacks and the damage caused by them, and minimize the number of possible victims.

It is impossible to describe in one article how to prevent and suppress attempts of mass murder in schools, other educational institutions, as well as places where children are present in large numbers. This is a very broad research topic, which I am currently finalizing and will soon begin work on a project devoted to this very issue. This is a complex, multi-level system of prevention and counteraction to both existing and future threats to the security of educational institutions. I made my first attempt to develop such a model back in 2019 and described it in this article, which was subsequently updated several times. The new project will be much more extensive and will contain more concrete measures and proposals, but these are only future plans for now.



I believe that extremist ideology and the destructive communities «Blue Whale» and «Red Dolphin» that have emerged on its basis are links in the same chain, a long-term criminal plot. This criminal plan pursues the goal of creating a system of «remotely controlled mass murders» committed by teenagers, followed by the suicide of the perpetrator, and what we are witnessing today is a kind of experiment to test the efficiency of this system. The reality shows that, unfortunately, the system works. I don't know who is behind it and what purpose they pursue, and to be honest I am not really interested in it, my task is applied.

The situation also indicates not only the emergence of a new threat, but also the emergence of a new, third type of criminal who commits mass murders in educational institutions. Previously, we have dealt with two main types of criminals, divided by their motivation:

1. «School shooter» - for him mass murder is a way of self-expression, he is guided only by his understandable goals and tries to convey to others only his personal message.

2. «Terrorist» - commits a crime guided by a specific ideology and pursues the goals that this extremist ideology (or terrorist organization or movement) professes.

A new, third type, I would call «Controlled Suicide», his goal is to fulfill the task of the «curator», whose identity and true motives he does not know, and then kill himself.

Unfortunately, this way of committing mass murder is quite attractive for terrorist and other radical extremist organizations, which will obviously try to develop it and use it for their criminal purposes in the near future.

I would be glad to hear the opinion of colleagues on this issue, write in the comments to the post or in private messages. All ways to contact me are in the signature.

Author - Roman Grishin


#threat #children #school #kindergarten #college #university #terrorism #criminal #destructive #extremism #murder #suicide #BlueWhale #Blue_Whale #RedDolphin #Red_Dolphin #SafeandSoundSchools #SchoolSafety

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