Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Standardization of the security system of schools and other educational institutions - good or bad?


Attention: English is not my native language, the text is translated with the help of technical translation tools. I apologize in advance if the meaning of some phrases will be incorrectly conveyed.

Analyzing publications in the media, websites of law enforcement agencies, expert and scientific organizations, as well as specialized communities in social networks, I noticed some changes in the trends of statements, statements and comments from officials and specialists. Albeit with a great delay, but law enforcement services and other legislative and executive authorities of many countries are slowly beginning to recognize the fact that schools, other educational institutions and places with mass attendance of children have become objects of increased danger, that they have become an attractive target for criminals and terrorists*. There are also cautious statements that a special approach to their security is needed. There are few specifics in such statements, but the fact that the threat is being recognized at a fairly high level can already be called positive progress, albeit tentatively.  

Among those involved in the development of solutions in the field of security of educational and other children's institutions, especially in recent times, there is often expressed an opinion, which has a lot of support in the expert community, about the need to create the introduction of a single standard (format or template) of safety and security systems for educational institutions. There are even initiatives that such a standard should be made international. However, the question arises - how effective will such a «standardized» approach to the security of educational institutions be?

Proponents of standardization believe that it will be, arguing that such unified standards and templates are already used and quite successfully, for example, in terms of ensuring the protection of such facilities from fire or natural disasters in dangerous areas. They are developed on the basis of a long, deep analysis of real and probable emergency situations, natural and man-made, best practices of rescue services, as well as modern technical means of detection, warning and elimination of dangerous phenomena, such as fire, gas leakage (or other dangerous chemicals), earthquake, tornado, tornado, flood and others. The experience of using such templates is quite successful, it is indeed true.

However, in the above cases, we are dealing with unplanned and uncontrollable phenomena of natural or man-made nature. But let us consider the situation, in a different scenario. In any educational institution there is a detailed instruction on actions in case of fire, which is studied in classes, periodically repeated, drills and exercises are held, throughout the building hanging plans, information signs, signs of evacuation routes, main and emergency exits, sound warning buttons, sensors, water sprayers, fire extinguishers other elements of fire protection system. All this was calculated on the basis of the versions of the occurrence of fire due to natural causes, such as: short-circuited wiring, electrical appliance malfunction, lightning, careless handling of fire or even hooliganism. But, what if the cause of the fire will be the willful actions, of one or more criminals whose goal is to commit mass murder, using fire and smoke as weapons. They will have studied all the instructions and fire protocols in advance, and with this information in mind, they will develop their arson plan. What are the potential consequences of this scenario? When the perpetrator knows in advance every move of the potential victims?

Some may say that this is unlikely, I disagree, let's look at the statistics: in the world, for the period from 2000 to 2023 inclusive, in schools, kindergartens, colleges and universities, there were 249 crimes**, falling under the signs of mass murder and terrorist acts. Of these, 16 were committed using incendiary devices and mixtures as weapons, 252 victims (140 dead and 112 injured), most of the victims were children.

For comparison, in the period from 2009 to 2012, in Russia, in schools and other educational institutions there were 1,504 fires (not one of them was not related to mass murder), in which 42 people suffered (9 dead, 33 injured). [1]

This example, clearly shows that the use of uniform standards in the field of fire safety is really effective in emergency situations of unintentional nature, where the casualty rate is only 0.03. However, in cases where the fire was a consequence of intentional actions such a coefficient is already 15.8, a difference of more than 500 times. 

I have always said it and I will say it again, the biggest mistake law enforcement makes in dealing with criminals who commit mass murders in schools and other educational institutions is underestimating them. An analysis of mass murders and terrorist acts committed in educational and other children's institutions directly indicates that such crimes are very rarely committed spontaneously or in a state of passion. On the contrary, most of them are preceded by careful planning and long, painstaking preparation.

Consider the events at Columbine High School. If everything had gone according to the original plan of the criminals, it would have been a tragedy on a scale comparable to «Beslan» or «September 11». In total, the criminals' plan had three stages of implementation and it was designed with the school's security protocol in mind. Firing sectors, main and reserve firing points, were formed according to the directions of movement of people during evacuation. Yes, their plan misfired, poor technical skills failed (the detonators of the largest bombs failed), what happened next was an unplanned improvisation on the part of the perpetrators, but even with this development of events - 27 victims (13 killed, 14 wounded).

If it had happened not 25 years ago, but in our days, the result would be different, because today, the detonator does not need to be made by yourself, the simplest, yet quite reliable version of the remote igniter can be ordered on the Internet, ready-made, and the whole system of explosive and incendiary devices can be controlled through an application in a smartphone or tablet. I am not talking about the possibilities for criminals to use unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), even those versions that are freely available, but this is a topic for a separate study. 

Based on the above, we can conclude that the creation and use of a single security standard for educational institutions will not improve their protection, but on the contrary, will create a dangerous vulnerability in it. This will give potential criminals the opportunity to build their attacks, taking into account all the weaknesses of the object and mechanisms to respond to threats, in different scenarios. If the crime is prepared by the student himself (almost 45% of mass murders in educational institutions are committed by their students), then he will be able not only to learn these features, but also to visually see how this system works, for example, during drills and exercises.


My opinion in this matter:

I am in favor of a compromise solution. I believe that there is indeed a need to form a unified (including international) standard for the safety of educational institutions and places with mass attendance of children, but in a minimal format. In the form of a set of minimum requirements, general purpose, providing a fundamental basis for the security system of an educational institution. What are these requirements?

The presence at the protected object:

- video surveillance system, both inside the building and on the external boundaries;

- a physical security post;

- a system of technical access control with identification of visitors;

- a system of technical control of visitors to carry weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosive, incendiary or poisonous substances into the premises;

- emergency call buttons for the police;

- intercom systems between the premises;

- safe zones in each room.

Also with modern features in mind, I would add to this list a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) detection detector.

I am sure that such a minimum set of the above mentioned basic security measures should be in every school, kindergarten, college or university. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of these measures, they comply with the main principle of «Do no harm». However, at the same time, as I have already said, this should be only the foundation, but the other elements of the security system should be developed for each object individually, taking into account the peculiarities of the educational institution, the nature and degree of probability of threats. This can be different approaches to the organization and activities of physical security, the use of technical means of security and access control, methods of engineering reinforcement, both the entire building and individual rooms, surveillance systems, control, communication, alarms, alerts and much more. 

Note: It is important not to get carried away with engineering solutions and technical security features in facilities such as educational institutions. Not everything that at first glance seems useful and effective in theory is so in practice. I made a detailed analysis of such «means of protection» with analysis of application and examples in this article

 There are a lot of ways and possibilities in this direction, and with their proper use at the protected object, the level of its security can be raised to the maximum possible***.

There are no universal solutions (except for the basic security measures described above) in ensuring the security of educational institutions. The main components of an effective security system are its uniqueness, based on the individual characteristics of the protected object and limitation of access to this information by unauthorized persons.

It is important to realize that this system is built, not against petty thieves and hooligans, but against murderers and terrorists who do it deliberately, consciously, and cold-bloodedly, according to a pre-prepared plan. Their main goal is to kill as many people as possible. The main task of the security system is to prevent them.   

The creation of such a system should always start with a deep analysis of vulnerabilities and their expert evaluation, based on which, experts develop a detailed list of recommendations to eliminate the identified vulnerabilities, or to minimize their negative effect. All this should be combined into a single document – «Security Protocol», which after completion and approval should receive the status of «official» (closed) with a limited list of officials who have access to its contents. On the Internet site of an educational institution or its page in a social network, it is enough to inform about its compliance with the «basic» security standard, all other information should be closed.

One more important condition to be taken into account: yes, in the 21st century, schools, other educational institutions and places with mass stay of children have become high-risk objects and their protection requires a special approach, but they should not turn into analogs of prisons or military bunkers. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible.

In this article I will not consider the questions of what specialists should be involved in assessing the vulnerabilities of schools and other educational institutions (including preschools) and what means and methods should be used to create a system to ensure their security. This is a very voluminous topic that I will include in the second part**** of the study on comprehensive security systems for educational institutions, which I plan to finalize and publish in 2025. As for the active discussions on the application of technical means of safety and security for these purposes, I have already expressed my opinion about it in one of my previous articles.

 Author - Roman Grishin


* Although some may not see the difference, I still tend to separate these two types of criminals based on their motivation. For the «School Shooter», mass murder is a way of self-expression, he is guided by goals he alone understands and tries to convey only his personal message to others. A terrorist commits a crime guided by the ideology of a particular terrorist movement (organization) and pursues the goals that this extremist ideology (or organization) professes.

** Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts in Schools and Other Educational Institutions (second edition, revised and supplemented)

*** absolute security does not exist even in theory, the maximum possible indicator of the effectiveness of the security system is to reduce, to the possible minimum, the risk of a successful attack on the protected object and the damage caused by such an attack.

**** «Ensuring the safety of schools, other educational organizations and institutions with mass attendance of children» publication dated 05 January 2022.

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