Friday, January 10, 2025

The impact of the availability of firearms on the safety of schools and other educational institutions


This issue has been a topic of debate for many years among both specialists and ordinary citizens, each side has its supporters and opponents, and no consensus has been reached yet. I belong to those who believe that weapons are only a tool in the hands of criminals, not the motive for their actions, and strengthening controls on the legal circulation of weapons complicates the lives of law-abiding gun owners, not criminals. Recently, in the course of analyzing statistical data, I received confirmation of my opinion.

Active statements and actions of public authorities of different countries, as well as their police services and other law enforcement agencies to strengthen control over the circulation of weapons began mainly in the last 5-7 years. These measures were prompted by a large number of high-profile crimes related to attacks on schools and other educational institutions committed in previous years.

While working on the new edition of the handbook on crimes and terrorist acts in educational institutions (the new edition will be available soon, follow the announcements on the blog, social networks on the website), I conducted a comparative analysis of crime statistics for the period from 2020 to 2024 inclusive, in comparison with previous periods and in dynamics since 2000. Studying the statistics for the period from 2020 to 2024 inclusive, I noticed that measures to increase gun control did produce results, the proportion of crimes committed with firearms did decrease. In the total list of serious crimes committed in schools and other educational institutions, the share of firearms use decreased slightly, by 2.4% compared to the previous period (2015-2019), in the list of crimes falling under the signs of mass murder and terrorist acts, the decrease was already 10.9%, and amounted to less than half (44.3%) of the total number, and this is already a significant indicator. However, the total number of such crimes, especially serious crimes, falling under the signs of mass murder and terrorist acts did not become less, on the contrary, it increased by 17.9%, criminals began to use rifles and pistols less, but began to use knives, axes and hammers more often, their share in the commission of crimes increased by 10.1%.

Skeptics will say that comparing the statistics of two five-year periods is not enough to draw conclusions. I agree, to give another example. China is a country where the availability of firearms is negligible, legal gun trafficking is based on personal permits and is under strict government control.  However, despite such measures, in the period from 2000 to 2024 inclusive, in educational institutions in China were committed 48 (a share of 15.8%, worldwide in this period were committed 303 crimes), especially serious crimes falling under the signs of mass murder and terrorist acts in which suffered 715 (164 killed, 551 injured) people. Of these 48 crimes, in only 2 cases (4.2%) criminals used firearms, in the remaining incidents they used:

- cold weapons (knives, axes, hammers, etc.) - 40 cases;

- explosive devices - 3 cases

- incendiary mixtures - 3 cases;

- vehicles - 1 case

- chemical poisoning substances - 1 case.

As I think the conclusion is quite obvious - a weapon for a criminal is just a tool, the availability of which does not affect his intentions. Without access to a rifle, shotgun or pistol, a criminal will use a knife, an axe, an improvised explosive device, a Molotov cocktail, a car, poison gas or a toxic chemical compound.

Controlling the legal circulation of weapons may be a useful measure if it is applied within reasonable limits, but it does not solve the problem, and the threat level is not reduced. Statistics confirm this, the number of attacks on educational institutions is not decreasing, which means that the problem requires a completely different solution.

Author - Roman Grishin

#SafeandSoundSchools #SchoolSafety #School #Safety #ChildrenSafety #ChildSafety #opinion #weapon #weaponcontrol #guncontrol #gun

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