Sunday, February 12, 2023

Blog rules

To avoid conflicts and misunderstandings arising in the process of posting and discussing posts, please make sure that you, our subscribers and guests, read the rules of conduct on our blog:

The «Public Order and Safety» blog is a highly specialized community, therefore only posts related directly or indirectly to the thematic component of the project are discussed and published here. Messages on other, not related to the activities of the project - are not published, no exceptions are made, for no one. 


1. insults in any form, to individuals or communities, on the basis of national, racial, religious, social, professional, political or other affiliation.

2. Extremist statements or appeals to individuals or any social (professional, religious, political, ethnic, etc.) groups.

3. Statements which justify the activities of terrorist or extremist organizations (movements), crimes, their perpetrators or criminality as a social phenomenon.

4. The use of profanity.

5. Spam (advertising).

6. Transitions to personalities, discussion of the personal characteristics of the authors, editors, participants or guests of the blog.

7. Placing links to other resources without prior agreement with the blog's editor.

8. Flooding (posting information not relevant to the topic of the posted post or the blog as a whole).

In addition, note that our community is completely out of politics. We do not address political issues and do not participate in discussions on political topics.

We also do not welcome comments such as «It won't work...», «Not in this country...», «Bullshit, nonsense, stupidity...» and the like. Comments with that and similar content will be deleted, and their authors will be added to the «Black list» after a warning (if it doesn't work).

This is not a fight against dissent, but a demand for constructive dialogue. Any criticism is welcome as long as it is substantiated and the author backs up his opinion with arguments, rather than simply expressing his disagreement in categorical terms, believing that the phrase «Because I said so!» is sufficient as an argument.

We wish you a pleasant conversation. 


Editorial staff of the project.

#blog #rules #community #communication #respect

New edition of the Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts in Schools and Other Educational Institutions

  Dear readers, friends and colleagues. I am pleased to inform you that work on the third edition of the Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Ac...