Monday, March 6, 2023

Safety of schools and other educational institutions

This section will post articles, research, reviews and other materials of the project participants on the topic – «Issues of safety of educational institutions and other places with mass attendance of children, from threats of criminal, terrorist and other nature».

A promising area for research:

Currently, quite relevant and of real practical interest to specialists are studies on effective measures to ensure the security of educational and other children's institutions.

Situations in which high-profile crimes with large numbers of victims are committed in kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, and other places with large concentrations of children and adolescents are no longer uncommon. Educational facilities have often become targets for terrorist attacks, and the «Columbine» movement, «Skulshooting», «School Shooters», «M.C.M.», and the like are also spreading around the world.

An equally urgent threat today is the commission of crimes against the sexual inviolability of underage pupils and students, as well as crimes of an ordinary criminal nature.

Another important area for research is the development of effective methods to counteract the growing activity of «school gangs» and other informal associations of teenagers, who pursue illegal purposes, including the spreading of criminal or extremist ideology.  

It is important to remember that when working on materials on these issues, the authors should not make assessments and judgments about the causes of these phenomena. Social, political, religious or other motives that served as the basis for mass murders, terrorist acts or other crimes should not be discussed. This should be handled by subject matter specialists such as psychologists, educators, sociologists and journalists. The purpose of our project is to review the situation from the professional perspective, as specialists in law enforcement, public order and safety, and combating terrorism and extremism.

You can send your articles, reviews, essays and other materials to be placed in this section of the site by any convenient way to the editorial office of the project. Requirements for the content and design of publications, the order of their placement and recommendations for copyright protection can be found in the section Contacts. 


Project Editorial Board.

#safety #school #children #university #Columbine #threat #schoolshooting #security

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