Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Columbine High School tragedy, 25 years later, facts, thoughts, unanswered questions

The other day I finished reading Dave Cullen's book «Columbine» (in my country the book was published under the title «Columbine - an exhaustive report from the scene». The second, supplemented edition of this book was published back in 2016, but in my country it was not published until the end of 2023).

For all those who are seriously interested in the Columbine tragedy and school massacres in general, I would recommend reading this book. Such books are very rare today, its author has done a tremendous job (according to his statement, the collection, verification and systematization of materials for the book took him almost 10 years), combining in one publication a large number of facts «from the first person». Everything is here: testimonies of direct participants and other witnesses, data from police and court reports, conclusions of criminalists, psychiatrists and other experts. The book reconstructs a detailed chronology of events, along parallel time lines (perpetrators, victims, eyewitnesses, police). There are quotes from the perpetrators' diaries, their plans and plotting, transcripts of “basement videotapes” and a lot of other useful information.

Another (in my opinion) plus of the book is that Cullen, does not take the bad example of many other authors who first give their version of the event, and then begin to adjust the facts under it, while indicating only what corresponds to their interpretation, ignoring everything in it does not fit. Here, the author puts only facts, and from all participants of the tragedy, as if offering readers to see the tragedy through their eyes, from the position of the perpetrator, victim, student or teacher, parent, police officer, FBI agent, journalist, ambulance doctor, firefighter, just a random onlooker, and then, on their basis, to draw their own conclusions. In general, my impression of the book, only positive, it is a good solid work, a real criminal journalist, with a competent and interesting form of presentation of material.

For those who are interested in a personal analysis of school shooters (including the Columbine killers) - I would recommend Dr. Peter Langman's book «Why Kids Kill». There he provides an objective comparative analysis of the most notorious «school shooters» by psychological and forensic measures. Once again confirming the theory, previously repeatedly expressed by various criminologists and law enforcement agencies that there is no single psychotype of «school shooter», as well as some unique personality traits inherent only to them, and they have more differences than common. Therefore, all attempts to identify them at an early stage and predict their emergence are «Sisyphean labor» that wastes a lot of resources, but is of no practical use.  

However, let's return to the main question - Why exactly «Columbine» has become a nominal name for crimes of this kind? I have long been involved in applied criminology, in terms of ensuring the safety of schools, other educational institutions and places where children are present in large numbers. This is the main topic of my research. Often in discussions with my colleagues, the question has been raised that, if we put aside the moral and ethical component and consider this crime from a purely formal point of view, at first glance there is nothing particularly outstanding in it. Both before and after it there were tragedies, more bloody in their scale and consequences (those who are interested in the statistics of such crimes can see here), and yet why «Columbine»?

Probably, because at detailed study of the facts, it becomes clear that if the plan (and the crime was carefully planned) of the criminals was executed by them in the original scenario, it would have been a terrorist attack on a scale comparable to the tragedy in the school of Beslan in 2004 or «September 11». In Chapter 8 of «Maximum Human Concentration» - Dave Cullen's book – «Columbine. An Exhaustive Report from the Field.» (supplemented 2016 edition) describes in detail the plan of the criminals, the number of bombs, their charge, striking elements, their purpose (to hit large crowds of people, to distract attention, to hit the emergency workers and journalists who arrived on the scene, to collapse the building and ignite it). The following are indicated: prepared sectors for firing, main and reserve firing points formed taking into account the direction of movement of people during evacuation.

In total, the plan had three stages of realization of the criminals' plan, and if they had managed to realize not all of it, but at least most of it, the number of victims, with a high degree of probability, would have been four-digit. According to experts (including myself, I personally asked people who served in anti-terrorist and intelligence-sabotage units), this plan was drawn up at a good professional level. It takes into account many important factors and conditions, and there are, of course, shortcomings, but not critical. The most important conclusion of their experts was that this plan was quite suitable for real implementation. The fact that this plan was not realized in practice, happened rather by accident, first - the technique failed, most of the detonators installed on the most destructive bombs did not work, the second - the lack of the killers of the backup scenario for such a case and as a result of the lack of coordination of their actions. In fact, what happened as a result was an unplanned improvisation on the part of the perpetrators, but even with this development of events - 27 victims (13 killed, 14 wounded).

My opinion is that the events at Columbine High School have clearly demonstrated that the threat level of the School Shooters is underestimated. Two ordinary teenagers, spent a year hatching a plan for large scale mass murder, procuring weapons, ammunition, bomb parts, planning, discussing, practicing. They didn't just talk, they acted.

This begs the questions: did no one see anything, or understand? Or did they see, but didn't want to understand? Or maybe they saw understood, and even with these thoughts came to their superiors, but heard: «Do not exaggerate, it's just teenagers, what can they do at all, at most write an obscene phrase on the door of the director's office. Go and do something serious, and forget about your fantasies and do not tell anyone...».

However, as it turned out - they can, and can much more than what is expected of them. Cold-bloodedly and calculatingly make a plan to deprive hundreds, and maybe thousands, of the lives and health of their classmates, teachers, friends, neighbors or just acquaintances, and then try to carry it out. If they hadn't been let down by homemade detonators, they would have done it. Simple teenagers from the backwoods, were ready to kill hundreds and thousands of innocent people, if their plan had succeeded, the terrorists from «Al-Qaeda», against their background would look like a bunch of petty hooligans.

The events at Columbine High School showed the main thing: children, in their desire to kill their own kind, are able to show great analytical abilities in planning, and in the implementation of their plans, the level of cruelty and danger, far surpass adults. Outwardly normal teenagers are capable of killing without the slightest reason or compassion. Except that we still don't want to recognize this. That is why every year in schools, kindergartens, colleges and universities shots and explosions rumble, knives and axes take a deadly swing, incendiary devices and atomizers detonate, children and adults die.

And someone continues to say that «There is no need to exaggerate and exaggerate, these are just teenagers, what can they do...».

Author - Roman Grishin

photo from the website: Chalkbeat

#Columbine #School #facts #thoughts #questions #tragedy #murder #crime #shooter #threat

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