Tuesday, February 14, 2023

About the reasons for the creation, goals, and objectives of the project

As it was already discussed in previous articles, the need for such a project arose long ago, and here is why. If to look objectively at what happens in the world, as a minimum in the next 100 years, nothing good can wait for our planet. The real prospects look like this: overpopulation, depletion of resources, climate change, reduction of the role of man in the production process (as a consequence, unemployment), uncontrolled migration, epidemics, local military conflicts, crime, terrorism, growing popularity of extremist ideologies, etc. Sadly, this is how our nearest future looks like, and not only scientists, but also ordinary people begin to realize this, although they continue to indulge themselves with hopes that everything is not as bad as it seems. Accordingly, sooner or later, the majority will realize that the world around has changed, but it has changed not at all for the better.

Therefore, even now, those who are accustomed to assess the situation impartially and to calculate the prospects arise questions:

1. What criminal and terrorist threats will be relevant in the near future*?

* We are talking not only about those threats that are already known, but also about likely ones that law enforcement agencies have not yet encountered. 

2. What effective measures should be taken to prevent and combat these threats and to reduce the negative consequences they cause?  

It is important that in addition to those who ask these questions, there are those who are actively thinking and working on answers. Such people are few in number, but they exist. And in the very near future, these people and their developments will be very much in demand.

Today, attention to safety issues is being paid on the residual principle, but very soon this situation will change. First it will be the municipal and regional level, then the state level. Until recently, when choosing a place to live, a city or its district, people primarily considered the level of infrastructure development, transport, employment, accessibility of education, medicine, social protection. However, in recent years, priorities began to change, such a criterion as - safety, is becoming more important in making the final decision. To influence this situation by the usual methods of «inflating the statistical bubble»* is no longer possible. People assess the situation not by the numbers in law enforcement reports, but by what they observe every day on the street, hear from acquaintances, see in the news about incidents. For a long time now few people believe all these statistics with «positive dynamics», because the contrast with reality has become too impressive.

* deliberately distorted statistical indicators that do not reflect the real situation.

The emerging situation and the ever more actively growing public demand in the near future will require large-scale reforms of the law enforcement system, which in its current form is outdated and no longer able to withstand both existing and future threats. All this will cause an acute need for promising ideas in the field of public order and security and people capable of developing and implementing such projects in practice.

One of the main tasks of the «Public Order and Safety» project is to give these people an opportunity to make themselves and their ideas known. To provide them with an electronic platform for posting articles and other publications, discussions, debates, professional communication, organizing joint work, etc.  

In addition, one of the goals of the project is to restore «Information bridge» between colleagues from different countries (we mean informal communication on forums and social networks in communities of law enforcement). Thanks to the active development of the Internet in the early 21st century, these connections were successfully formed and many forums, groups in social networks, blogs and other tools for informal communication, sharing experiences and mutual assistance between specialists from different countries appeared. However, in the second decade, these ties began to actively break down, and by now they have been almost completely severed. The reason is banal - politics, or rather arguments on political topics, which almost instantly took communication out of a civilized format and reduced it to personalities, boorishness and insults. This confirms the rule that has destroyed more than one professional resource, that where politics begins, there is no place for constructive communication and professionalism.   Therefore, the «Public Order and Safety» project and all related resources will be out of politics, from the word «no». Any topics, even indirectly touching the politics, will be under the strictest prohibition, there will be no exceptions to this rule, and moderation in this direction will be especially tough.  We are confident that in time this will allow, at least in part, to restore ties between colleagues from different countries and return communication in a civilized format, within the framework of professional topics, exchange of experience and joint work. (This will be the subject of a separate section of the project, working title «Bridge of Safety», which is now being actively developed. If you want to join it, write to the editorial board, via private messages, social networks or e-mail). 

It may have turned out a bit muddled, but we believe that we managed to convey the main point: for what this project was conceived, for what audience is designed, what goals and objectives are set before it. If something is not clear, ask questions in the comments to the article, write a private message to the group in social networks, or e-mail, we will try to answer all.   


Project Editorial Board.

#reasons #goals #tasks #participants #project

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