Saturday, October 14, 2023

Attack on Gambetta School, Arras, France

Dear friends and colleagues, I ask for your help in terms of information on the tragedy that occurred on October 13, 2023 in the school Gambetta, Arras commune, in northern France. Information in the media is covered indirectly, there are few details, and I need them. I tried to look in the central mass media of France, but there too, there is little useful information, more emotions, reasoning, searching for the guilty and discussing the identity of the perpetrator and the victims.
I am interested in the factual side of this tragedy, first of all the chronology of this event:
- when (time) the perpetrator came to the school;
- how he entered the territory;
- how long he stayed on the school grounds;
- who called the police;
- how long after the information was received did the police arrive on the scene;
- whether the suspect was apprehended on school grounds or managed to escape.
Also interested in eyewitness accounts, police reports, etc., simply put - not opinions, but facts.
In addition, interested in information of a similar nature on two other incidents of the same day:
1. the detention of a man with two suspicious suitcases and a backpack who tried to break into another school in the commune of Arras (this school is 200 meters from the school where the teacher was killed).
2. detention of a man with a knife at the entrance to a school in the commune of Limaye (Yvelines department), this detainee was allegedly also known to the police as a member of a radical terrorist movement.
Have the police made any official comment on the connection between these crimes or their participants?
Any other corroborated information.
Also I will be very grateful for recommendations on the evaluation of the media in France in terms of the information provided, who provides information more objectively and unbiased, which media specialize in criminal journalism, more detailed coverage of incidents, crimes and terrorist attacks, where you can read reviews and comments from real experts in the field of safety (not political analysts).
Thank you in advance for your help.
If there are any questions on the substance of the post, write in the comments.
To contact the author, please write to the project e-mail:

#France #Gambetta #Arras #tragedy #school #murder #terrorism #attack

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