Saturday, March 2, 2024

Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts in Schools and Other Educational Institutions

 Hello dear colleagues.

As I have already mentioned in my previous posts, recently I have been working on the creation of a reference book containing information about crimes and incidents of criminal and terrorist nature committed in kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions, as well as places with mass stay of children.

I am pleased to report that the first, test version of the handbook has been finalized, albeit with a slight deviation from the original deadline. The document has been finalized and is available for download on the website of the Public Order and Security project.

The handbook contains statistical and other data on crimes and incidents of criminal and terrorist nature committed in schools, other educational and child care institutions (including preschools) in the period from 2000 to 2023 (first edition) inclusive. In addition, the handbook contains the results of statistical analysis of the above data, both for separate time periods and in comparison, and also, based on the collected information, I have attempted to create a "statistical model" of a potential criminal.

I am sure that the information collected and systematized in this way will allow all specialists, whose activities are related to ensuring the safety and security of schools, other educational institutions and places with mass stay of children to see a more complete and detailed picture of the state and development of the criminogenic situation in this area. Existing and prospective threats, ways of preparation and commission of crimes, their nature and degree of public danger. In addition to the above, it should help, in addition to psychological and social profiles of potential criminals, to form statistical models and features of the profile of potential criminals, and this is a very important aspect in the development of a system of prevention of such crimes.

All the data collected and systematized in it, I obtained from available open sources. I admit that the list of crimes and incidents that I used for analysis does not include all incidents that occurred during this period. Therefore, I ask everyone who is interested in this topic and has information about crimes and incidents of criminal and terrorist nature, committed in kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions, as well as places with mass presence of children, related to grave and especially grave crimes, committed with the use of weapons, objects used as weapons, explosive or incendiary devices, chemical or poisonous substances, as well as related to hostage-taking, to send it to me. 

Now I am moving to the second stage of work on the handbook, which is the correction of information, their clarification and addition. I will be very glad to receive any help in my work.

My goal is to make a convenient, informative, publicly accessible, reference and analytical tool for researchers and specialists in the security of schools and other educational institutions.

I look forward to your opinions, suggestions, and insights in the comments.

Download the handbook here:

#school #kindergarten #university #college #analytics #crime #terrorism #handbook #statistics #analytics

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