Sunday, March 17, 2024

Help is needed with the «Handbook of crimes and terrorist acts committed in schools and other educational institutions»

Hello dear colleagues.

I am engaged in applied research in the following area: Ensuring the safety of schools, other educational institutions, as well as places with mass attendance of children, from threats of criminal and terrorist nature.

Many who are engaged in such and similar studies know how useful qualitative statistical analysis can be when considering certain situations and developing proposals. Figures allow you to look at a situation from a different angle, to see its development in comparison and in dynamics.

I have recently completed work on the Handbook of Crimes and Terrorist Acts Committed in Schools and Other Educational Institutions. The handbook contains statistical and other information on especially serious crimes committed in educational and other children's institutions in the period from 2000 to 2023 inclusively, with separate episodes of mass murder and terrorist acts. In addition, the handbook contains the author's analytics: summary, comparative and dynamic analysis of indicators in different periods, as well as statistical models of the image of potential criminals.

All the mentioned data on crimes and incidents are taken by me from open sources, the main part of which are materials published in mass media of different countries. I realize that I may have missed some of the data and that some of the crimes were not included for one reason or another. I ask you to help me in this work, to supplement the handbook with information about crimes that are not listed in it. In addition, if anyone has looked at the crimes listed in more detail and knows circumstances and important details that may be useful, I would also be very grateful if you could share this information. As new information becomes available, the guide will be reprinted periodically, with updates and additions.

My goal is to make a useful, user-friendly, informative, and most importantly, publicly accessible, reference and analytical tool for researchers and security professionals in schools and other educational institutions, as well as for all those interested in this topic.

The handbook itself can be downloaded here:

You can provide input in the comments, or send it to me directly in any convenient way, my contacts can be found here:

For convenience, please enter information about incidents in this format:

1. date;

2. location (country, region, city);

3. brief description;

4. a link (preferably several) to the source*.

 Thank you all in advance for your help and assistance.


The author and editor-in-chief of the project is Roman Grishin.

* publications in the official media or a report on official law enforcement websites are considered as a source. Messages in blogs, messengers, social networks and similar Internet resources are not considered as sources. 

#school #children #college #university #kindergarten #crime #terrorism #extremism #statistics

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